[Study] Neuropsychological training may help people with MS: "RESULTS: The results of the cognitive training programme were especially evident in the significant improvements in executive functions (CKV) and spatial-constructional abilities (HAWIE-R). Comparison between the treated and the control group showed no significant difference in the fatigue values (MFIS). However, when the treated group was examined over the three times of measurements, the symptoms of fatigue had diminished significantly. Regarding memory, comparison of the groups showed no changes; within the treated group; however, the verbal (VLT) and nonverbal learning and memory (NVLT) improved significantly. The results for sustained attention improved in both groups over time. It must be assumed that a learning effect had occurred here. The depression values (BDI) also improved in both study groups. The follow-up questionnaire showed that 60% (6) attributed an average to above-average benefit to the training...."